EROMM Web Search (128 records) - Page 1
1 - 10 of 128 records
11 - 20Reflexive Prediction: A Literature Review
/ Mackinnon, Lauchlan ; Lauchlan, Mackinnon. — The University of Queensland, 2005
/ Lynch, Deborah ; Forde, Catherine. — Routledge, 2016
Social work and child protection in Australia: whose job is it anyway?
/ Gillingham, Philip. — Routledge, 2016
/ Sachs, Judyth ; Smith, Richard. — Informa UK Limited, 1988
21st Century Social Work: Reducing Re-Offending: Key Practice Skills
/ McNeill, F. ; Batchelor, S. ; Burnett, R. .. — Scottish Executive, 2005
Review of sociological literature on intercountry adoption
/ Willing, Indigo ; Fronek, Patricia ; Cuthbert, Denise. — Cambridge University Press, 2012
Book Review: Decolonizing Sociology
/ Inglis, David. — 2022-11
The sociology of emotions: A meta-reflexive review of a theoretical tradition in flux
/ Olson, Rebecca E. ; McKenzie, Jordan J. ; Patulny, Roger. — Sage Publications, 2017
Confronting the challenges of work today: new horizons and perspectives
/ Parry, Jane ; Taylor, Rebecca ; Pettinger, Lynne .. — Blackwell, 2006-03-02
Sociologies of space, work and organization: from fragments to spatial theory
/ Halford, Susan. — 2008-04