EROMM Web Search (18822 records) - Page 32
311 - 320 of 18822 records
301 - 310321 - 330/ Pasteur, Louis (1822-1895). Auteur du texte ; Pasteur, Louis, de l'Académie française. Producteur d'un fonds ; Pasteur, Louis, de l'Académie française. Auteur du texte...
/ Blaringhem, Louis, b. 1878. — Paris : Masson et cie, 1923
Louis Pasteur, by S.J. Holmes...
/ Holmes, Samuel J. (Samuel Jackson), 1868- ; MBLWHOI Library, Woods Hole. — New York,Harcourt, Brace and company[c1924], 1924
Louis Pasteur, by S.J. Holmes...
/ Holmes, Samuel J. (Samuel Jackson), 1868- ; MBLWHOI Library. — New York,Harcourt, Brace and company[c1924], 1924
Louis Pasteur : his life and labours
/ Vallery-Radot, René, 1853-1933 ; Hamilton, Lady Claud ; Pasteur, Louis, 1822-1895 — New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street, 1886
Louis Pasteur : his life and labours /
Vallery-Radot, René,
Pasteur, Louis,
Hamilton, Lady Claud.
. — New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street, 1886
/ Kochman, Kazimierz. — 2013., 2013
/ Champollion, Eugène-André (1848-1901). Rytownik. — [ok. 1898]., [ok. 1898]
Louis Pasteur and the ecology of anthrax.
/ Van Ness, G. B. ; Pasteur, Louis, 1822-1895. Experimental pathology; on the etiolo... ; United States. Agricultural Research Service. Animal Health Divi... — Hyattsville, Md., U. S. Agricultural Research Service, Animal Health Division, 1969
/ Bidwell, Edwin Curtis, 1821- . — [Vineland, N.J., 1902?]